World Vets Teams to Deploy on Civil-Military Missions
For the past six years World Vets has been the veterinary non-governmental organization (NGO) represented on two U.S. Navy led humanitarian aid missions: Pacific Partnership and Continuing Promise. These missions provide medical, dental and veterinary coverage to host nations in South East Asia and the Pacific as well as the Caribbean and Central and South America, respectively.
World Vets helps accomplish mission objectives by contributing veterinary manpower and skills through its veterinary personnel deployed. This year we will have teams on board both Pacific Partnership and Continuing Promise. They will live on-board a hospital ship and provide veterinary services onshore in host nations. As part of these efforts, our volunteers not only provide direct veterinary care, but capacity building and training, which benefit local animal health care professionals, in addition to communities.
What’s more, World Vets is also sending donation pallets on board both ships! One is bound for the Philippines carrying veterinary textbooks to benefit a veterinary school in Cebu, and the other to Nicaragua.
April 2015 Volunteer Opportunities Released!
World Vets has just released long awaited veterinary field service opportunities scheduled for the month of April 2015. Join us on an `island hopping` spay/neuter campaign in the Caribbean or in the Andes mountains of Ecuador!
Veterinary field service projects have volunteer opportunities for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, students and those who do not have any veterinary or animal related experience (assistants). You can read more about what you would be doing on a small animal field service project here
April volunteer opportunities:
- Ibarra, Ecuador: April 8 – 16, 2015
- San Andres Island, Colombia: April 21 – 30, 2015
A standard veterinary field project is scheduled for 8 days/7 nights, with 3 veterinary service days. However, both April opportunities are for a 9-10 day duration and consist of five days dedicated to providing veterinary care and services for animals in need.
Save the Date – Giving Hearts Day
With your help, World Vets can raise a tremendous amount of financial support to benefit our mission. On Giving Hearts Day (February 12th) the first $4000 in donations will be matched by a generous donor.
Giving Hearts Day was started in 2008 by Dakota Medical Foundation and Impact Foundation as the region’s first one-day ‘virtual’ fundraising event.
In addition, World Vets will be competing to receive contributions from the most U.S. states. Our goal is to receive a gift from EACH U.S. STATE. If we succeed, we will receive additional funding from the Dakota Medical Foundation! (minimum $10 donation to count toward the “most states” prize).
To make a secure online contribution simply go to and select World Vets on February 12th! And don’t forget to check out World Vets’ social media outlets on Giving Hearts Day for status updates!
World Vets is Now Offering Personalized Surgical Training
PLEASE NOTE: Due to ongoing violent civil unrest that started in April 2018, all Nicaragua-based programs are currently suspended until further notice.
World Vets is now offering a personalized surgical training experience for veterinary students, recently graduated veterinarians, foreign veterinarians, in addition to veterinarians preparing for qualifying exams. This opportunity will provide one on one instruction (in English) in performing spay and neuter procedures and seeks to cater to the specific needs of participants.
Personalized surgical training is provided out of our Latin American Veterinary Training Center located in Granada, Nicaragua. Although a training facility, strict attention is paid to patient safety, comfort and appropriate pain management. Our center is also outfitted with modern equipment such as gas anesthesia, central oxygen, pulse oximeters and fluid pumps.
Only two participants will be accepted per week/session to ensure an intensive and personalized program. We are currently scheduling for the months of September, October, November and December 2016. We are also booking sessions in January and February 2017.
Participants are responsible for getting themselves to and from Nicaragua, in addition to the training center each day, providing their own lodging and meals as well as a World Vets participation fee.
This opportunity is also available to veterinary students, however, we first encourage them to consider our International Veterinary Medicine (IVM) Program before inquiring about personalized surgical training.
2015 Membership Drive!
The World Vets 2015 Membership Drive is now over and it was a great success. A big THANK YOU and WELCOME to new supporters!
Didn’t get the chance to become a member during the drive, but still want to join? It’s never too late to become a member!
World Vets membership is not just for veterinary professionals or those interested in volunteering abroad. We welcome anyone who loves animals and wants to help make their lives better by supporting the cause.
By becoming a member, YOU are helping animals around the world that would otherwise have no access to life-saving care. They are depending on you!
In addition, all members receive the following exclusive benefits:
- Member only discounts on a variety of World Vets merch
- Eligibility to volunteer on our field service projects
- The opportunity to register for projects before they are posted on our website and open to the general public
- Access to the World Vets monthly e-newsletter to keep you updated on how YOU are helping animals around the globe
It’s easy! Anyone can get all the great benefits of a World Vets membership for only $40 a year. Become a member —————>HERE!
Click here for more info on the World Vets membership!
Recruiting Vets & Techs for Opportunity in Nicaragua
World Vets is looking to recruit licensed veterinarians for a unique opportunity in Nicaragua this summer. We seek veterinarians who are available for a one -two week volunteer placement at our Latin American Veterinary Training Center located in Granada, Nicaragua.
This volunteer opportunity will have veterinarians work with English speaking veterinary students where they will provide guidance as well as instruction in performing spay and neuter surgery. Veterinarians will also take part in community outreach activities where health consultations and preventative health treatments are provided to rural animals living in outlying communities.There are typically 3 surgery days and 1 community outreach day scheduled per session. Veterinarians can expect to have 1.5 days for leisure and evenings free.
Positions are available for just 1 week or for as long as 4-6 consecutive weeks (during summer program). Veterinarians are responsible for their own international airfare, travel and/or health insurance, dinner and snacks, in addition to any optional excursions that they may wish to take part in. Lodging, most meals (i.e. breakfast/lunch on work days) and in country transportation as it relates to the program are provided. Read more about the volunteer experience here
Current DVM Vacancies (Summer Program):
- Session 7: July 8 – 15, 2015
DVM Vacancies (Winter Program):
- Session 1: December 16 – 23, 2015
- Session 2: December 28, 2015 – January 4, 2016
*If you’re a veterinary technician see here
“Team Roatan” Successfully Delivered despite Adverse Weather Conditions
This past week World Vets had a team on the island of Roatan, Honduras to provide free veterinary services for companion animals. With the “wet season” apparently not quite over, they experienced a couple of downpours during clinic days. Nevertheless, many animals were still in attendance and our team was able to successfully deliver services despite adverse weather conditions. Sterilization surgeries as well as health consultations to diagnose and treat a variety of ailments were provided.
We`d like to thank World Vets volunteers and local partners for an outstanding effort, in addition to Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their continual support of these much needed campaigns. World Vets has been committed to improving the overall health and well being of animals on the island of Roatan since 2008.
Municipality Pledges Support for Humane Population Control: Ecuador
For the past 5 years World Vets has been providing free high volume sterilization campaigns in Ecuador. More specifically, our services have benefited companion animals located within the municipalities of Ibarra and Otavalo. Within this time, World Vets has established agreements in these areas that have acted to cease municipal sponsored poisoning campaigns in exchange for commitments to humane population control methods.
We are happy to announce that on our most recent campaign, another municipality as pledged their support and commitment to humane population control efforts. This speaks to the positive impact and success our efforts, along with local partners, have achieved thus far in Ecuador. World Vets field service veterinarian, Dr. Karen Allum (pictured above), signed this letter of commitment on behalf of World Vets with the mayor of township Atuntaqui.
- Photo credit: Joe Bittaker
- Photo credit: Joe Bittaker
- Photo credit: Joe Bittaker
- Photo credit: Joe Bittaker
- Photo credit: Joe Bittaker
- Photo credit: Joe Bittaker
Training Local Veterinarians & Providing Veterinary Services in Paraguay
World Vets recently had a veterinary team in the landlocked South American country of Paraguay. One of the objectives of their visit was to provide free instruction for local veterinarians in performing spay/neuter surgeries. Another aim was to provide a high volume sterilization and animal health clinic for the poor barrios of Asuncion. During their visit, our team encountered very many sick animals requiring a variety of treatments and procedures. Nevertheless, they successfully executed both objectives, which benefited both local professionals in addition to the small animal population.
We would like to thank our team of dedicated volunteers, Fondation Brigitte Bardot as well as local partners Adoptame for their support and efforts that made this campaign possible.