We are very proud to announce that World Vets, together with the Galápagos National Park, officially opened the Galapagos Wildlife Rescue Center last week! Located on San Cristobal Island, it is the first and only rescue center on the island, which is the capital of Galapagos. The grand opening was attended by Dr. Arturo Izurieta, Director of the Galápagos National Park, Dr Cathy King, Executive Director of World Vets and other local authorities, the community and staff of both institutions.
World Vets works together with the Galápagos National Park Rapid Response Network, providing 24/7 response for injured wildlife of all species. In the last year, our veterinary team, together with Park Rangers, responded to over 400 wildlife cases on the island. About 70% of the cases involved Galápagos sea lions, which are classified as an endangered species.
The new center will greatly improve the capacity to help wildlife and includes areas for surgery, diagnostic imaging, office, treatment area, laboratory, animal holding pens and necropsy/pathology laboratory. It is equipped with digital x-ray, ultrasound, gas anesthesia, oxygen concentrator, bloodwork machines, laboratory, intensive care unit for birds and reptiles, multi-parameter monitors, computer workstations and Starlink high speed internet.
San Cristobal is the home to a diverse population of iconic species such as Galápagos sea lions, giant tortoises, sea turtles, marine iguanas, Blue Footed Booby and much more. We are proud to work together with the Galápagos National Park in these ongoing efforts to improve the long-term capacity for veterinary support and wildlife response to help protect the biodiversity of the islands.
This is the first phase of a multi-phase project. We are very grateful for the funding support from the SeaWorld Conservation Fund and donations made in memory of Dr. Jerry Brown and Joan Wattles, which helped make this dream a reality.
With Thanks to Major Donors:
Donations in memory of Joan Wattles
Donations in memory of Dr. Jerry Brown