And the Winner of the #WorldVets Instagram Photo Contest is…

contest winner 2015

The 2015 #WorldVets Instagram photo contest has come to an end.  Thank you to all who participated!  We are happy to announce Nicole Mayne as the winner!  This wonderful photo features World Vets volunteers, a member of the local community and a pair of unique patients who received free veterinary care during the International Veterinary Medicine (IVM) program in Granada, Nicaragua.  Congratulations Nicole!  Thank you for your enthusiasm towards World Vets and dedication to helping animals in need.  

Follow World Vets’ official Instagram page here.


World Vets Contributes to Civil – Military Humanitarian Aid Missions

One of World Vets ongoing programs is our collaboration with the US Navy in delivering humanitarian aid. This civil – military partnership spans over six years and has World Vets contribute veterinary expertise, skill, and manpower to achieve mission objectives.

World Vets is represented on two US Navy led humanitarian aid missions: Pacific Partnership and Continuing Promise. This summer we have veterinary teams on both missions where they are traveling on board hospital ships, working alongside US Army veterinary personnel and providing services and training onshore in host nations. Read about our vet teams’ experience on the 2015 Pacific Pacific mission here

This partnership has allowed us to expand our reach and help many animals in remote locations. It has also afforded us the opportunity to work with, train, as well as support, veterinary professionals and institutions operating in the countries visited. Watch a video of the work and importance our veterinary teams play here

As part of these annual missions, World Vets veterinary teams benefit countless communities within Latin America and the Caribbean, in addition to the South Pacific, and South East Asia.

See pictures from past missions

World Vets Continues Small Animal Project in Peru

During the month of June World Vets continued its small animal project in Peru. For several years we have been partnering with Pataz Pro-Animalista Cusco and local municipalities to provide free veterinary services for animals in need. Our most recent campaign facilitated over 200 sterilizations, and helped hundreds of animals. We return in August to benefit even more! We’d like to thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their ongoing support of these campaigns and to all of our wonderful veterinary volunteers who work very hard to provide great care for all of the patients.

We are Accepting New Project Requests for 2016

Each year World Vets sends out countless veterinary teams throughout the world to provide free veterinary care for animals in need. These endeavors are made possible through a shared dedication to improve the lives of animals, and in turn the partnerships that are created to realize this common goal.

We are looking to expand our reach and send teams to regions of the world where we’re currently not working. In particular, we are interested in receiving requests for assistance from countries located in South East Asia and the Asia – Pacific area, though we welcome requests, and opportunities, to provide assistance worldwide.

At this time we will not be considering requests for assistance from the following:

  • Countries where we already have an established program, project and/or presence. For instance, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Peru, Honduras, Paraguay, the Dominican Republic etc.
  • Countries where it is illegal, or would not be welcomed, for foreign veterinarians to provide their services as a volunteer.
  • Countries that have major safety concerns and/or travel advisories, especially per the U.S State Department. For instance, specific regions of the world  we are unable to consider at this time include the Middle East, Central Asia and various parts of Africa.
  • Requests that solicit assistance in the form of one individual/volunteer (as we do not recruit individual volunteers for placements with other organizations)

We strive to work in partnership with foreign animal welfare groups, veterinary professionals, other nongovernmental organizations (NGO`s), as well as local and national governments and their respective agencies responsible for animal welfare, agriculture and public health. If you represent one (or more) of these categories, and would like to work with World Vets, see here for more information about requesting assistance.

We are accepting new project requests, to be considered for a visit in 2016, until August 3rd, 2015. All requests received following this date will be considered for 2017.

Instagram Contest, Win World Vets Gear!


 Contest Guidelines and Rules:

 HOW TO ENTER: Follow @worldvets1 on Instagram. Instagram your favorite photo that you took while volunteering with World Vets and tag it with #WorldVets. Photo  submissions must be uploaded by August 1, 2015.

 ELIGIBILITY: Open to World Vets participants only.

 PRIZE: $50 worth of World Vets gear (non redeemable for cash)

 END DATE: Winner will be chosen on August 1st, 2015 by the World Vets Team

 WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT: The selected winner will be notified via email & instagram within 48 hours of being selected. The winner may be required to verify his/her  name, email and mailing address prior to receiving the prize.

*** Please do not upload graphic surgery photos for this contest.



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