Thank you Team Cabarete! Success in the Dominican Republic

A World Vets team has just returned from a very successful spay/neuter campaign in the Dominican Republic! We not only provided 276 sterilizations, but also tended to many other surgical cases that were needed. All of which acted to greatly improve the overall health and wellbeing of each animal patient. We’d like to thank our dedicated volunteers as well as local partners Dogs and Cats of the Dominican Republic (DCDR) for an outstanding effort! See pictures

One special patient our team treated was a puppy named Bobby (pictured below). Bobby was hit by a motorbike and his front leg got run over. He received much needed TLC from our volunteers and after spending the night with them, was able to go home all patched up and good as new to his owner.


The Best Mother’s Day Gift? A Mother-Daughter World Vets Adventure

What’s the perfect Mother’s Day gift? A trip with World Vets! Drs Colleen Mullally and Petrice Eisele both brought their moms to volunteer alongside them on our most recent campaign in the Dominican Republic. Why not make your next trip a mother-daughter World Vets adventure?

Upcoming volunteer opportunities that still have vacancies are:

*If your mother does not have any veterinary and/or animal related experience, she can fill an “assistant” role on our veterinary field service projects. Read more about volunteer descriptions

Volunteer this Summer! Veterinary Field Project Opportunities

World Vets operates countless veterinary field projects to help thousands of animals receive quality veterinary care each year. What’s more, all veterinary services on such projects are provided free of charge for local pet owners and the community.

We have two small animal veterinary field projects scheduled this summer in the following locations:

Why don’t you join us!

Volunteer opportunities on veterinary field projects exist for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, students and assistants (those who do not have any previous veterinary or animal experience). Learn more about volunteer descriptions here

A Facility Serving the Community & Beyond: World Vets Latin America Veterinary Training Center

World Vets has been operating veterinary field service projects in Latin America since 2008. During our time working in this region of the world, we experienced that many local veterinarians and veterinary students with whom we worked had received minimal, if any, surgical instruction and in turn did not perform sterilizations. Meanwhile dog and cat populations ran rampant as the local capacity to de-sex animals, and thus humanely control their reproduction, was limited to non-existent.

To address the gap in veterinary surgical skill, in addition to animal population control efforts, World Vets founded the Latin America Veterinary Training Center (LATC) in 2011. The main objective, and cornerstone of the center, is to provide free surgical instruction and training to Latin American veterinarians and upper level veterinary students. As such, it is our aim to equip trainee participants with the necessary skills and competence they can in turn use to benefit the animals in their own communities. The center also prides itself on teaching as well as practicing high quality veterinary care. Subsequently, the facility is equipped with modern equipment such as central oxygen, pulse oximeters and fluid pumps, as well as an autoclave, ultrasound and microscope.

The LATC is located in Nicaragua and since its inception has established relations with all the veterinary schools in the country. It has even received acknowledgements from such institutions regarding the invaluable skills our training has provided its students. The LATC training program has also developed to the point where weekly sessions are offered year round and we host participants from many Latin American countries such as Mexico, Guatemala and Paraguay. We have also incorporated an ongoing internship program, which allows those selected to obtain greater clinical experience and mentorship.

Furthermore, as a result of the activities at the LATC, World Vets is able to provide thousands of free sterilizations and health treatments every year for local animals in Nicaragua. We operate daily pick ups/drop offs for animals living in outlying rural communities, which make spay/neuter and other needed veterinary services accessible for those who otherwise could not afford it. We even operate outreach clinics in other nearby areas benefiting animals, due to distance, do not have access to the LATC or our pick up/drop off service.

Often times we also encounter unique or emergency cases that require immediate attention. One such animal was Pinta. She had an old wound that had been growing and growing on her left hind leg. Her owners were very concerned but admitted they were not able to afford the transport into the city and the associated veterinary costs. Although challenging to the size of the wound, our LATC team was able to clean the wound of old tissue and close it enough to allow it to heal. After three weeks in our care, Pinta is almost healed and ready to go back to her family! Unfortunately without care, Pinta was unlikely to survive the infection. As Pinta’s case highlights, many local animals benefit greatly from the free services provided at the LATC, not only from spay/neuter but life saving veterinary interventions.

In short, the LATC greatly benefits its immediate community and beyond through the training and mentorship provided to its trainee participants. What’s more, it also provides essential veterinary services for local animals and rural communities who otherwise may never have access to quality veterinary care. If you support capacity building of future and present veterinary professionals, and if you believe that all animals deserve access to skilled veterinary care, we encourage you to support our Latin America Veterinary Training Center! We also accept corporate sponsorships and welcome other partnership opportunities.

We’d like to thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their ongoing support of our Latin America Veterinary Training Center 

Requesting World Vets Veterinary Assistance

World Vets receives requests for veterinary assistance year round from locations all over the world. While we are not able to help everyone, we welcome inquiries and the potential to establish new partnerships for the benefit of animal health and welfare. One of the main ways we are able to assist animals worldwide is by sending veterinary teams to provide free veterinary services. In this way we operate veterinary field service projects that are either classified as small animal, equine or livestock and animal husbandry. Learn more about requesting veterinary assistance here

If you volunteer with or represent an animal welfare organization and are interested in welcoming a World Vets veterinary team to your location, we ask that you first investigate the following things before requesting assistance;

  • Are foreign veterinarians legally permitted to provide veterinary services in your location as a volunteer? For instance, are there any local laws banning veterinarians from other countries in performing surgery or practicing veterinary medicine.
  • If foreign veterinarians are allowed to volunteer their services in your location, are there any requirements for them to provide veterinary services? (i.e. credentials, specific documentation or permissions)

If you are a traveller or tourist, the best way to obtain potential World Vets assistance for a location is to provide our information to a local animal welfare organization operating in the area. Have them reach out to us directly to inquire about potential veterinary assistance. As a standard policy, we do not seek out project partners or work where we are not wanted. As such, in order for us to consider assisting anywhere, we require that a request be generated from within the location in question from a locally based stakeholder.

Special notes
  • Requests for veterinary assistance are only considered for locations outside of North America
  • Requests for assistance that involve the recruitment  of individual veterinarians and/or volunteers for placements with other organizations are not considered
  • World Vets does not plan projects in areas that are at war or have a high threat of terrorist activity. For this reason, we are not able to consider project requests for areas that have major safety concerns and/or travel advisories per the U.S State Department. Specific regions of the world that we are unable to consider for assistance at this time (due to security concerns) include the Middle East, Central Asia and various parts of Africa.


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