While we have been busy with many marine mammal stranding cases in Washington over the last few months, this little pup is our first harbor seal of the 2019 pupping season. Estimated to be 1-2 weeks old, the seal pup was found stranded on a public beach in Westport Washington. Network partners Washington State Parks and Westport Aquarium secured the area to make sure he was not disturbed, posted signs and provided monitoring for 48 hours while he was on the beach. His mom never returned and he was considered abandoned. Working in collaboration with our network partners Cascadia Research Collective and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, he was brought in late Thursday night to the World Vets clinic in Gig Harbor for triage and stabilization. On arrival he was hypothermic, dehydrated and thin. Working together with WDFW, we stabilized him and started fluid therapy and he was admitted for overnight hospitalization. He was later transferred to PAWS for rehabilitation with the ultimate goal that he will be released back into the wild once he is healthy and ready to forage on his own.
As pupping season starts in Washington, it is important to remember to SHARE THE SHORE!
-All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. It is against the law to feed or harass them, which includes disrupting important behaviors such as rest, feeding, nursing or breeding.
-Give them space and stay back 100 yards from all marine mammals on shore.
-Keep pets on leash. Pets can disturb wildlife or may separate mothers from their pups. These are wild animals that can injure or spread disease to pets and humans.
-If you see a dead, injured or stranded marine mammal call: 866-767-6114