Matching Donation Challenge & #GivingTuesday

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MARK YOUR CALENDARS:  On Nov 28th World Vets will once again be participating in #GivingTuesday, a national movement to encourage spending with a purpose.  Not only that, but we are thrilled to announce that the Maria Norbury Foundation has graciously offered a $15,000 end of year matching donation challenge starting Giving Tuesday. This means that EVERY dollar you donate up to $15,000 starting this #GivingTuesday will be matched!

Save the date to support World Vets and your support can go twice as far. With your help, we can raise a tremendous amount of financial support to benefit our mission to help animals around the globe.

Indiegogo Campaign Success!

For many years World Vets has been operating an equine welfare project in Nicaragua to benefit horses in and around the city of Granada. Horses are an important livelihood source for many households as they are relied upon to help carry out daily chores and generate income. Due to difficult socio-economic constraints, these horses are often malnourished and affected by tropical diseases and injuries from their heavy workload.

On our most recent campaign, our team met Pithaya after they were asked to stop by a nearby home that had a sick horse. Upon arrival, they discovered four-year-old Pithaya who was severely malnourished, had several infected wounds, overgrown feet, and evidence of tick borne disease.  Although he was in severe condition, the owners (two young girls and their grandmother) care for him greatly. However, caring for Pithaya has become extremely difficult for them as they have health issues of their own, and no current income source or means to earn money. What`s more, the parents of the children have left the home to seek employment elsewhere.

The World Vets team created an Indiegogo campaign to help pay for Pithaya’s extensive treatment & to provide aid to other Nicaraguan horses & families living in similar conditions. We’re thrilled to announce that we met our Indiegogo goal of raising $5k!  We are so incredibly thankful to everyone who participated! We’d like to extend our thanks to all of our supporters. A special thank you to our dedicated campaign team members Dr. Steve Kruneniski, Dr. Dana Westerman, Elisa Harvey, Cynthia Spanhel, and Amanda Headman for increasing fundraising efforts by spreading the word.

Stay tuned for news and updates on Pithaya & the other horses of Nicaragua that your contributions are supporting! Didn’t get the chance to contribute? It’s not too late! Help a horse by clicking HERE.

List of Equine Hope Fund supporters:

  • Adam C.
  • Anita Vargas
  • Beverly Voss
  • Amanda McNabb
  • Cary Granger
  • Cassandra Russell
  • Catherine Cheatham Krueger
  • Cathi Tower
  • Cody Wolff
  • Cynthia Spanhel
  • Dana Westerman
  • Deneen Munson
  • Edna Seymour
  • Elisabeth Walter
  • Elisa Harvey
  • Hanna Utterheim
  • Holly Hockett
  • Judy Bridges
  • Kara Mary
  • Kristy Moding
  • Kristina Elyse
  • Laura Oltman
  • Linda Strom
  • Lisa Marie Tretheway
  • Lynn Prather
  • Mariah Coakley
  • Natalia Jacovkis
  • Pauline Perry
  • Petrice Greer Eisele
  • Scot Nester
  • Sherrie Boston
  • Sherry Dahlquist
  • Steve S.

** If you made a contribution to this campaign & would like your name added to the list, please contact us so we may recognized your gift.

A Record Year for World Vets in Ecuador

World Vets has been working in Ecuador since 2009 to bring free spay/neuter services to animals in need. We are proud to report that 2015 has been a record year for the number of surgeries performed! With much appreciation, we thank our hardworking and dedicated volunteers, in addition to our passionate local partners at PAE-Ibarra for making this possible. We’d also like to acknowledge Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their ongoing support of this project. See pictures from our most recent campaign here

Join us on our next campaign! Read more

Volunteer Opportunity for Veterinarians in Thailand

World Vets has a new partnership that will provide an exciting opportunity for veterinarians to volunteer in northern Thailand.  The volunteer opportunity is located at an elephant sanctuary (about an hour north of Chiang Mai) that is home to ~ 40 elephants, ~80 water buffalo and 400+ dogs.  The sanctuary is located along a river in a beautiful and picturesque valley where rescued elephants spend their days freely roaming.  The 400+ dogs living at the sanctuary are mostly rescues from the 2011 Thailand flood, which World Vets assisted and provided disaster response.

This volunteer opportunity is for small animal veterinarians who can commit at least 1 month (up to 3 months if possible) to volunteering.  Opportunities are available starting in January 2016 and will be available throughout the year with flexible start dates.  Up to 2 veterinarians can be accepted during any time slot.

Read more


Textbook Donation Benefits Veterinary Students in the Philippines

Last year World Vets received a request from a veterinary student in the Philippines named Jorim. It was a request he thought would never result into anything, but decided to write to us anyway. Jorim reached out with a simple request, veterinary textbooks for his school so that he and his fellow students could expand their knowledge for the benefit of animals in their community.

In many countries across the world, textbooks are very hard to come by, and so World Vets initiated a veterinary textbook drive to help fill this gap. To date, textbooks we’ve collected have contributed to the education of veterinary professional’s in Nicaragua, the Sudan, Marshall Islands, Kiribati and the Solomon Islands. Those who contributed to our textbook drive will be happy to hear that we can now add the Philippines to this list!

With many thanks to the 2015 Pacific Partnership mission, World Vets was able to ship, on the USNS MERCY, a pallet loaded of donated veterinary textbooks for Jorim’s school, specifically to benefit the library of the Department of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine at Cebu Technological University.

We would like to thank everyone involved in making Jorim`s request a reality!

Pacific Partnership is an annual U.S. Pacific Fleet humanitarian and civic assistance mission designed to work by, with and through host and partner nations, non-government organizations and international agencies to build partnerships and a collective ability to respond to natural disasters.  Future missions will be delivering assistance with a focus on veterinary training and teaching.

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