PAE ibarra

The Little Team that Could! Ecuador

During the month of April World Vets had a team in Ecuador. We anticipated this to be a challenging project as this is a very high volume clinic and our team was just half the normal size.

However, despite our limited volunteer force, our team well exceeded expectations in relation to the number of animal patients that could receive services. Working in two municipalities in Northern Ecuador, our little team was able to perform hundreds of free sterilization surgeries in just a short period of time. Needless to say we are thrilled at the outcome of this project!

We’d like to thank our tireless volunteers and leaders, PAE-Ibarra, the municipalities of Atuntaqui and Otavalo, as well as Fondation Brigitte Bardot for making this great effort possible!


Municipality Pledges Support for Humane Population Control: Ecuador

For the past 5 years World Vets has been providing free high volume sterilization campaigns in Ecuador. More specifically, our services have benefited companion animals located within the municipalities of Ibarra and Otavalo. Within this time, World Vets has established agreements in these areas that have acted to cease municipal sponsored poisoning campaigns in exchange for commitments to humane population control methods.

We are happy to announce that on our most recent campaign, another municipality as pledged their support and commitment to humane population control efforts. This speaks to the positive impact and success our efforts, along with local partners, have achieved thus far in Ecuador. World Vets field service veterinarian, Dr. Karen Allum (pictured above), signed this letter of commitment on behalf of World Vets with the mayor of township Atuntaqui.


World Vets “Team Ecuador” works well into the night

World Vets field service veterinarian, Dr. Joe Zulty (pictured above), performs surgery well into the night with fellow team members on our most recent high volume spay/neuter clinic in Ecuador. We’d like to thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their continual support of our efforts here, along with our local partners PAE-Ibarra, the municipality of Ibarra, in addition to the countless volunteers who contribute and dedicate their time and energy, year after year, on this ongoing project. We have another team deploying to Ecuador in November. Volunteer positions still available! Read more here

The campaign also received local news coverage. You can see it here (In Spanish)

World Vets Team Ecuador Sets New Record

1078552_10201394581173898_666054015_oOn our recent visit to Otavalo, Ecuador, a World Vets team provided a large scale spay/neuter campaign with local partners, PAE – Ibarra. We were also joined by a few veterinarians from PAE -Quito who aided our team during the three day campaign. Together our efforts resulted in a record breaking number of surgeries being performed: 268 spay/neuter surgeries.

We thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their ongoing support of our work in Ecuador. We also extend our many thanks to those who volunteered their time and energy on this campaign.  See pictures

An Outstanding Effort in Ecuador

Ecu17During the month of March World Vets sent a veterinary team to the Otavalo region of Ecuador in support of our small animal project. We have been working in this region for the past four years with local animal welfare group PAE Ibarra to control the street as well as owned small animal population. We thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their continual support of this project as well as our volunteers that put forth an outstanding effort which resulted in 229 free spay/neuter surgeries being performed.

Join us on our next campaign (July 17 -24, 2013)! Read more

2013 Project Spotlight: Ecuador

EcuN36With support from Fondation Brigitte Bardot, PAE – Ibarra and local municipalities, World Vets has been providing regular high volume spay/neuter services in Ecuador since 2009. Spanning the last four years, World Vets has sent 10 veterinary teams (about 150 volunteers) to Ecuador which has brought veterinary care to animals that would otherwise have none.  We have also secured agreements with the municipalities of both Ibarra and Otavalo. These agreements stipulate that they will not carry out poisoning campaigns in exchange for our free spay/neuter services for EcuN52 editcommunity animals. This is one of our most successful small animal projects to date.

We have an upcoming volunteer opportunity on this project. We will be sending a team to Otavalo, Ecuador in July 2013 to provide a large scale spay/neuter campaign. Read more about this opportunity here

See pictures of World Vets in Ecuador

Another Successful Campaign in Ecuador

Another World Vets team has return from yet another successful campaign in Ecuador. Working into the night for 3 days straight, our dedicated volunteers and local partners, PAE Ibarra, provided over 200 spay/neuter surgeries. All of our services are provided at no cost and target street and community owned animals as well as those living in low income households who can’t afford veterinary care for their animals. We thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot for the continued support of our efforts in Ecuador.

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