Since 2011, World Vets has provided free surgical training to Latin American veterinarians and upper level veterinary students at our Latin America Veterinary Training Center (LATC) located in Granada, Nicaragua. Short courses are offered year round and we also just launched extended learning opportunities for more in depth training. This summer World Vets was excited to welcome three Latin American interns to the LATC team. World Vets is currently training these interns in a structured, in-depth and supportive learning environment. Through this 6 month internship, each participant will receive high quality instruction in surgical techniques, anesthesia, patient safety and comfort as well as pain management. We strive to create a positive and low-stress learning environment that will advance the interns veterinary career and their ability to better care for their patients. These services are provided free of charge to both the animals and interns. We need your help to make these programs possible! We invite you to sponsor the training of these future veterinary leaders. You can help our interns reach their goals and apply their gained knowledge towards helping the underprivileged animals of Latin America!
Take a moment to learn more about each intern and please consider making a contribution.
Meet the Interns

Click Julie’s picture to make a contribution to her internship!
Julie is a veterinarian from Jinotega. Ever since she was a young girl she had an interest in animals and wanted to help them. Her previous veterinary experience has been exclusively with large animals, but she has a strong desire to help the dogs and cats in her community. This World Vets internship represents a new phase in her veterinary career as it will provide her with new skills and knowledge involving companion animals. After the internship, Julie plans to go back to her hometown and bring much needed veterinary care for companion animals in her community. Sponsor Julie HERE.

Click Mariela’s picture to make a contribution to her internship!
Mariela is from La Trinidad, which is located near the city of Esteli, Nicaragua. She has participated in previous training sessions offered through World Vets and is in her final year of veterinary school at the Universidad Católica Agropecuaria del Trópico Seco. She has always had an interest in animals and the desire to help them. She currently owns 3 dogs and a cat. After her internship, Mariela plans to work as a veterinarian with companion animals. Sponsor Mariela HERE.

Click Mariel’s picture to make a contribution to her internship!
Mariel is from Condega, located in the department of Esteli. She is in her last year of veterinary school at the Universidad Católica Agropecuaria del Trópico Seco and plans to become a veterinarian that works with companion animals. She likes to spend her free time with her family, her pet maltese and riding horses. Sponsor Mariel HERE.
By supporting the World Vets Latin American Training Center internships, not only will you help provide important veterinary training, but you’re also helping communities who do not have access to veterinary services for their animals. Thank you for your support!