fondation brigitte bardot

Donkey Roadside Assistance

For an insightful look at the working conditions as well as the cases seen by a World Vets team, we invite you to read one of the recent posts from “pawcurious” about World Vets Team Arusha. Check out Roadside Assistance

We’d like to thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot as well as Vetericyn for their support of this project. Our team visited up to four different locations within the Arusha area and treated a total of 700 donkeys.

To read more about the adventures of World Vets Team Arusha – click here

World Vets Team Returns from Santo Domingo

A World Vets team returns this week after performing 223 surgeries and providing surgical instruction to local veterinary students in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. We’d like to thank Fondation Briggite Bardot for their generous support of this project as well as our local partners:  Casa de Orientación y Desarrollo Real (C.O.D.R.), Fundacion Protectora de los Animales Dra. Lois (FUPRADL) and La Escuela de Veterinaria de UASD. And of course our volunteers for making this campaign possible.

World Vets Equine Health Clinic

A World Vets team along with our great Nicaraguan veterinary crew have provided free equine health clinics in and around Granada. They vaccinated, de-wormed as well treated for external parasites, and cured wounds. They also floated teeth and fitted shoes for the city’s horses. A total of 465 horses were treated on this latest campaign.

We would like to thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their continual support of our equine welfare program.

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