World Vets is excited to announce that Dr Marty Barker has joined World Vets as a member of our Advisory Board. Dr Becker is the author of 22 books that have sold over 7 million copies combined, with three New York Times best-sellers including “Chicken Soup for the Pet-Lovers Soul.” He was the resident veterinarian on Good Morning America for 17 years and is a founding member of Core Team Oz for the Dr Oz Show. Animal Radio hosts him monthly as their Chief Veterinary Correspondent and he is a regular contributor to several well-know publications. Dr Becker, “America’s Veterinarian,” has spent his life working toward better health for pets and the people who love them.
Dr Becker is an adjunct professor at Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. He has lectured at every veterinary school in the United States, serves on numerous boards and is a strong supporter of many local rescue groups. When his schedule allows, he also practices at Lakewood Animal Hospital and North Idaho Animal hospital.
World Vets is excited to welcome Dr Becker to our organization as we pursue our mission of bringing veterinary aid to developing countries and disaster relief services worldwide.