Bringing Hope to a Rural Community
Next month World Vets will send a team to work in a rural community outside of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Up until this point, our veterinary services have mainly been focused in and around the beach town to help control the small animal population. However, with this visit, we wish to extend our reach to the animals, both small and large, that have often been neglected due to their isolated condition.
In the community where our team will be working, running water and electricity are not present even despite the rapid growth and development of the town closest to them. Nevertheless, due to the vigilance of community leaders and special interest groups, plans have now been approved to give them electricity, hopefully sometime soon.
World Vets first visited this community last year to provide impromptu veterinary services – they expected a few cows, maybe a couple of horses and some pigs – however the turn out was extremely great. Herds of cattle came down from the hillside, even oxen carts appeared as well as a backyard full of pigs! Given the abundance of animals, including campesino dogs with many visible health concerns, we gave our word that we would be back.
And so, World Vets will be dedicating its follow up visit to all the animals of this community as well as those within its vicinity. For those who don’t mind getting dirty, we still have volunteer positions open for veterinarians – both small and large animal vets are encouraged and welcome to sign up and take part! Read more about the volunteer opportunity here