ivm program

World Vets IVM Program in a New Location!

The International Veterinary Medicine (IVM) Program  is World Vets official student program. It provides students with an opportunity to receive one on one instruction in relation to the preparation, execution and recovery of patients from spay and neuter surgery. Students stand to benefit from this multi – disciplinary training and cultural experience as it will enhance their education and give them a broader understanding of international veterinary medicine.  Read more

To date this program has been offered in Nicaragua and Ecuador. It will now be offered in Peru as a field medicine clinic starting this December! Opportunities for students still exist on our Winter IVM session scheduled to take place in Cusco, Peru from Dec 27, 2019 – Jan 3, 2020. Find out more!

Update: A NEW! Winter session has been scheduled from Dec 16 – 23, 2019! Student registration for this opportunity will be released next month!

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