pataz pro animalista cusco

Welcome Back Team Peru!

WV_Cusco_280813_(09)At the end of August a World Vets team provided a large scale spay/neuter clinic in the city of Cusco, Peru. Services were carried out in collaboration with local partners Pataz Pro Animalista Cusco, Clinica Veterinaria Lazzy Vet and a handful of local veterinarians and volunteers representing these entities. We thank everyone for the great effort that went into providing the three day campaign despite the cold weather! We also thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their continual support of our spay/neuter program in Cusco. See pictures here

Wrapping up a Spay Neuter Campaign in Cusco

This past week World Vets conducted a spay neuter campaign in Cusco, Peru that was sponsored by Fondation Brigitte Bardot. We thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot for their continual support of our efforts, along with our dedicated team members and local partners; Pataz Pro Animalista Cusco, Yanapana Peru, Lazzy Veterinary Clinic as well as the local veterinarians that took part.  Seguimos adelante por el bien estar de animal!


World Vets Working in Peru

Just last week World Vets had a veterinary team working in Cusco Peru. There they provided a much needed free spay/neuter clinic. Alongside sterilization surgery, they also provided health consultations, which included flea and de-worming treatments. Cats and dogs were not the only patients however – our team also tended to a handful of chickens and guinea pigs that showed up!

This campaign was made possible through the support of Fondation Brigitte Bardot, our dedicated volunteers, Peruvian organizations – Pataz Pro Animalista Cusco, Vida Digna, YanaPana Peru and the local municipality. 

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