World Vets will operate a pilot project in Mysuru (aka Mysore) India. A pilot project is a location where World Vets has not previously worked and/or sent a team. As such we will send our very first team to India to operate a large scale veterinary
campaign which will provide free spay/neuter and other needed veterinary services for dogs and cats.
What is included: Volunteer kit, World Vets scrub top, pre – trip planning and coordination (as per the project itinerary), accommodations for 9 nights, airport transfers per established meeting times, ground transportation related to clinic work and activities as outlined, lunches on clinic work days, breakfast included with accommodations, a group activity, full participation in project and all supplies.
What is not included: Airfare, optional excursions, incidentals, travel and/or health insurance, World Vets membership fee ($40 USD), and anything not specifically outlined as included. Volunteers are also responsible for obtaining any travel documentation required of them to enter/exit India (i.e a passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date of departure, visa).
A few special notes:
- There is a visa requirement for India. Find out more information here and obtain a visa here. It is the sole responsibility of each traveler to obtain the required visa prior to their departure.
- The gloves provided on World Vets projects are made with latex. Volunteers who have a latex allergy will need to provide their own gloves for this project.
- Pre veterinary students will not perform any surgical procedures, however they will be involved in all other clinical activities in the same capacity as veterinary students. Veterinary students can expect to assist with surgical procedures however they should not assume that this will be the main focus of their involvement during clinic.
- Caps and masks are required to be worn by all surgeons as well as those assisting within the sterile field of the surgical patient. World Vets provides disposable caps and masks on field service projects, however, volunteers have the option of using their own surgical cap.
- World Vets is not able to provide medical advice. Volunteers are encouraged to consult with their family physician, nearest travel clinic and/or center for disease control regarding recommended immunizations and/or health precautions prior to the trip. Although not a requirement to participate on a World Vets project, it is recommended that volunteers be vaccinated for rabies.
- We understand that sometimes unexpected things can happen to stop a volunteer being able to participate in a project. For that reason, we highly recommend that you obtain some form of insurance for your trip. Affordable travelers insurance can be found here, which can also cover trip cancellation in some circumstances and covered reasons. You must read the policy wording to ensure the policy is a fit for your needs. World Vets project fees are non-refundable and non-transferable (to another person or to another project). We encourage volunteers to make sure the dates of our projects do not conflict with any prior engagements before signing up.
- Please read and make sure you understand World Vets Terms & Conditions
Day 1 (July 14 ): Official Arrival Day
Arrive at Kempegowda International Airport located in the city of Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Airport code: BLR. It is requested that volunteers schedule their flights so that they arrive in the evening. Multiple airport transfers may be arranged pending the arrival times of the majority. The team will spend the first night in Bangalore.
Once the flight for the field service veterinarian is booked, it will be shared with you via email. Once you have booked your flight, please send your flight information (i.e. arrival/departure time, airline carrier, flight numbers) to no later than June 14th, 2016
Day 2 (July 15): Travel to Mysuru (aka Mysore) & Sight Seeing
After breakfast the team will begin their travel to Mysuru. Before arriving at your final destination you will make a few sight seeing stops along the way. Upon arrival, you will get settled into accommodations and have the rest of the day/evening to explore.
Day 3 (July 16): Group Activity AM/Clinic set up PM
This morning the team will take part in a group activity. This activity will consist of a city tour featuring highlights of Mysuru. The rest of the day is set aside for leisure/free time.
In the afternoon the field service veterinarian and a few team members will go to the clinic site with local partners to get orientated and set up for clinic work.Tonight the team will meet up to go over details and plans for the following clinic days.
Day 4 & 5 (July 17 & 18): Clinic work days
Hopefully you are well rested and adjusted to the climate (and jet lag) because for the next two days you will be operating a field condition sterilization campaign. Volunteers should be ready to depart team housing by 8:00 AM (if not earlier). Bring your scrub top, headlamp and comfortable shoes and be ready to pitch in and help wherever needed to make the project a success. (Lunches provided at clinic site)
Day 6 (July 19): Free time/Leisure
Today is free for volunteers to take advantage and explore the area before work begins. World Vets does not have any activities planned for today, however co-lead vet Dr. Patil will be organizing group excursions on days off, which volunteers can take part in (at their own expense).
Day 7 & 8 (July 20 & 21):Clinic Work Days
Work continues today. Volunteers should be ready to depart team housing by 8:00 AM (if not earlier). Bring your scrub top, headlamp and comfortable shoes and be ready to pitch in and help wherever needed to make the project a success. (Lunches provided at clinic site)
Day 9 (July 22): Leisure/Free Time
Today is free for volunteers to take advantage and explore the area before work begins. World Vets does not have any activities planned for today, however co-lead vet Dr. Patil will be organizing group excursions on days off, which volunteers can take part in (at their own expense).
Day 10 (July 23): Official Departure Day
Today is the official end date of the project and signifies the departure of the team. There will be one return airport shuttle provided.
For volunteers who wish to extend their stay, this is something that is not included in the project fee. Also, please know that if you stay past the official end date of the project, you will then be responsible for your return transportation to the airport.
The team will stay in a hotel that is centrally located within the city of Mysuru (aka Mysore). The property features lush gardens, an outdoor pool and restaurant/bar on-site. Rooms have A/C and WiFi access. Laundry facilities are available. Accommodations will be shared.
General Packing List
*NOTE: This is a general packing list.
Please research your project's forecast information for weather permitting items.
- Shoes (anything comfortable w/ covered toes for clinic days)
- World Vets scrub top (required during clinic days)
- Scrub pants (optional)
- Pants
- T-shirts (weather permitting)
- Shorts (weather permitting - shorts are ok for surgery)
- Bandana/hat
- Swimsuit (weather permitting)
- Sweatshirt (weather permitting)
- Light jacket (weather permitting)
- Pajamas
- Underwear
- Socks
- Sunglasses
- Water bottle (highly recommended)
- Headlamp (highly recommended)
- Camera
- Tote bag
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Shampoo
- Prescription medications
- Over the counter meds (Tylenol, Imodium, cold meds etc)
- Personal bottle of hand sanitizer (highly recommended)
- Soap
- Sunscreen (highly recommended)
- Bug spray (DEET) (highly recommended)
- Brush
- Band-Aids
- Glasses/contact lenses
- Beach Towel (if applicable)
- Ear Plugs
- Flip Flops/Shower shoes/Water shoes