Volunteer Spotlight: Candice Curtis


Candice Curtis, Ohio, United States

Age:  32

School:  Columbus State Community College, 2007

Place of Employment:  Diley Hill Animal Emergency Center

Q:  Tell us about yourself and your experience with animals?

A:  My first job ever was at a veterinary clinic when I was a freshman in high school. I fell in love with the profession and I haven’t left. I worked as an assistant/tech for many years before going to school to become an RVT. As an RVT I worked for 4 years in a general practice and have spent the past 3 years working in ER & Critical Care. While I enjoy all aspects of being a technician, ER & Critical Care are my favorite. I enjoy the challenging and fast-paced environment.

Q:  What is a fun fact about yourself?

A:  I have a 3-legged dog who has titles in agility, barn hunt and nose work. In addition to being active in dog sports, she is also a registered therapy dog who spends several hours a week doing therapy dog visits.

Q:  What motivates you to volunteer with World Vets?

A:  The fulfilling feeling of giving back! I love that World Vets is able to provide veterinary care at no cost to the communities it serves.

Q:  What was your favorite World Vets moment?

A:  Watching the same little boy (~6 years old) return 4 different times with different animals each time in order for them to receive the veterinary care we were providing during Community Outreach Day.

World Vets simply could not operate without our amazing volunteers and cannot thank them enough.  Click here to join the World Vets volunteer team!