
Name: Gouti
Adopter: Kathleen Pitrola
Rescued from: Roatan, Honduras
Now lives in: Kenmore, New York, United States
Q: Can you describe the condition of your pet when you first saw them?
A: She was pregnant and lived as a stray on the grounds of a fenced in schoolyard, which was the venue for the project. The staff and students fed her and used to call her “sexy” because of her waddle walk. I`m assuming it was because she was often pregnant and was carrying so much weight. She had many fleas of course, but her temperament and compassion were amazing.
Q: How has life changed for your pet since the rescue?
A: She has it good with a fenced in yard behind a children`s park. She lives with my cat, two Mexican hairless Chihuahuas, and me. I bring her to work ever so often. She loves to go on walks and adores my next-door neighbor who is male and also has children. Gouti is a miracle! I never expected to bring a dog home from the island, but it really was a no-brainer. Bailey Simpson and Dr. Winnie were key factors in this endeavor.
Q: What is your pet’s favorite thing to do?
A: Go for walks and chase wildlife like rabbits and squirrels, not that I let her do that, but it is definitely a highlight of her day. I would say the other is coming to work with me and hanging out with the front receptionist at the Vet Hospital I work at.
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