Name: Antonella
Adopter: Chris Jensen
Rescued from: Ibarra, Ecuador
Now lives in: Tampa, Florida, United States
Q. Can you describe the condition of your pet when you first saw them?
A: Antonella had been found wandering the busy streets and taken in by the local rescue in Ibarra. Almost immediately she gave birth to 10 puppies. The rescue housed her and her puppies until World Vets arrived for our clinic in Ibarra in August 2011. We spayed and neutered all 10 puppies and Antonella during our clinic and all the puppies were adopted locally. No one wanted to adopt the mother dog, so Dr. Shelley Jensen arranged for Antonella to travel back to Tampa.
Q How has life changed for your pet since the rescue?
A: Now Antonella lives with Dr. Jensen and her husband Chris. She shares the house with 2 other dogs and spends her days lounging by the pool, visiting the dog beach and curling up on her comfy dog bed. She arrived to the Jensen’s in 2011 and has been a cherished family member ever since. She is considered their once in a lifetime special dog.
Q: What is your pet’s favorite thing to do?
A: Chasing squirrels. Antonella is fascinated by squirrels and loves to chase them up trees on long walks around the neighborhood.
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