
Donkey Roadside Assistance

For an insightful look at the working conditions as well as the cases seen by a World Vets team, we invite you to read one of the recent posts from “pawcurious” about World Vets Team Arusha. Check out Roadside Assistance

We’d like to thank Fondation Brigitte Bardot as well as Vetericyn for their support of this project. Our team visited up to four different locations within the Arusha area and treated a total of 700 donkeys.

To read more about the adventures of World Vets Team Arusha – click here

Jambo Bwana: Meet the World Vets Arusha Tribe

Veterinarian and blogger/photographer Dr V spent the last 2 weeks with one of our teams in Africa.Check out her latest blog post on Pawcurious

Ever wonder what kind of people volunteer on World Vets projects? They are compassionate, skilled, adventurous, kind-hearted and above all love animals. Meet a few of them here! Introducing the “Arusha Tribe” from our recent Tanzania donkey project: Read more

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